
Receitas Internacionais

As most of you know, Bryan is gone every weeknight at school until 10:45ish. This makes me lonely and run down after wrestling with two active babies at different stages. I get exhausted just writing about it! So, what has been my latest escape? International cooking! So I started with what I knew best:

Brasilian Cuisine = YUMMY

I decided to make Brazil's national dish; feijoada (Fay-djo-WAda). Yummmmm! It is SO delicious, on the healthy side (protein galore), and oh so easy. Time consuming, but way easy.

Feijoada is pretty much a black bean stew with cuts of meat added into it. Add chopped onions and garlic, and you have the best black bean stew ever. It is traditionally served with white rice, chopped greens, and maybe some fruit on the side, and did I mention that this stuff is SO good!

Since Bryan was gone {:(}, I invited my dad to have dinner with me and the boys (mom was working at the temple that night). He knows how good this stuff is, because when they came to visit Brasil after my very long 18 months of service, a member family served it to them. My dad was hooked! That was one of two words he could pronounce in portuguese, and it's the only one he remembers! Needless to say, he came with boots on. Here's a great step-by-step (follow link) on how this deliciousness is made:

No, it is not Witches brew, I promise!

Cooking down, simmering together...
And here you have it! I know it doesn't look like much, but it really is so good. You have to try it to believe it. I ended up inviting over my dad, and my bro/SIL (Nate/Lisa/kids), and even her picky eater toddler LOVED IT! Lincoln couldn't get enough, either. I'm surprised I had enough for everyone!
And, since no Latin dish is complete without rice, here is the Brasi way to prepare rice.
Bryan was a little sad that he couldn't have his feijoada hot and fresh, so I told him I'd do it again when he was home (weekends). So... who wants to be fed? Andrews'? Bakers? Gimme a call and let's coordinate!

3 devoted readers:

Tiffany said...

Oh my gosh! Of course! Do you even need to think about that? When can we come over? Hyrum got a pressure cooker for his birthday and we have been eating Brazilian rice and beans for months now. That looks way better than anything he has ever made! Don't tell him that!

Hazen5 said...

Feed Me!!! That looks so good. I took Portuguese in High School and I only know a few words too, but I am willing to learn more if you want to teach me at dinner! (hahaha)

Hyrum Andrews said...

The question isn't if we want to be fed, but when! That looks really good! I miss that food a lot. Did you have the courage to put in pig snout or ear? One of our friends down here showed us where mandioca is in the grocery store, so we could bring that.