
1st word

***I tried for several days -unsuccessfully- to post this video.***
This happened almost a month ago! I FINALLY got this video to upload correctly. Blogger and I have a healthy love/HATE relationship. Just when I think I'm in charge, he acts up to remind me who really is the boss. Anyway... read on for the original content!

Earlier this week, Curly started forming the same sound over and over. So I actually decided to stop blog stalking and pay attention, and came to realize that he was saying his first word! The video is long-ish and anti-climactic, but it's still cute. Enjoy!

***UPDATE***Since this video was taken, Curly has gone on to bigger and better things. He has enlarged his vocab to include "dada", "mama", "cracker", "chocolate", "stinky", "NO", "yeah", "thank you", and a lot more incoherent babbling. It's apparent that he can't wait to come up with a dissertation!

8 devoted readers:

Raadgep Fam said...

Ohh my gosh I cant believe how much he has grown in just a mth! And he is walking so much better!

And yes I can send the seat and no I didnt sell it! I am glad you reminded me though! I will send the book too! I will send it tomorrow so look for it next week!

I miss you guys! take lots of videos! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Well once you get a camera again!

Tiffany said...

I need to learn how to put videos on my blog. He is so adorable!

queenieweenie said...

isn't that the WORST??? I HATE trying to put videos on which is why i never do it

geesh...when that boy starts talkin'!

Brian and Leah said...

Sarah, I was watching this with Patch and he asked me if that was my voice!! LOL! Loved it. Those days for me are over. Fun, fun times.

Tabatha said...

He's adorable. I am loving this age in Connor too. I find myself catching everything a second later than I did with Carson, bummer, but I guess that's what happens with the rest of the kids. Enjoy!

Nikki~Down syndrome Storyteller said...

Soooo cute!

Unknown said...

I think the "first word" moment is one of my favs. They say one word and within a month they explode with vocabulary. Yay Orion! Let us know when you get your kitchen aid:D

Dan~Kerst~Bree~Bryce~Braden~Briggs~Brooklyn said...

What a great thing to have on camera! So cute!