
Mr. Wigglesworth

Orion is so WIGGLY!!! He is so ready to crawl... he's even wigglier than Lincoln was; I never knew that was possible! Orion doesn't like to sit in one's lap, he only likes to stand. And stick his dagger toes into the soft flesh of your thigh. Then he likes to bounce. I guess it's hereditary, because my parents said all their kids did that to them too!
He has been 'rocking' from side to side while on his tummy for weeks. It is rare that I get a clear shot of him; Photoshop won't even fix it. He is rarin' to GO!

GANGTSA' (he is even wearing a thug 'beanie' and flashing gang signs... classic! :)

He also cut his first tooth on July 4th. Happy Independence, Incisor tooth! You made it all the way to the top! (there are no pictures to document this momentous occasion; see previous explanation! All the pictures I attempted just turned out super blurry)

And, he kicks. Constantly. It's funny, because when he tries to crawl, he extends his legs fully, leaving his poor face eating dirt. He still can't figure out that he has to have his hands and arms support his upper body at the same time. But it's still really cute! And he doesn't really have too many problems getting anywhere this way, it just takes him half an hour!

David Beckham has nothing on this kid!

Orion is just so cute right now. People stop me all the time to tell me how adorable and beautiful he is. Lincoln of course gets a little jealous...

Lincoln staking his claim as firstborn. Orion is obviously not too thrilled.

Oh what fun it is to have two rough and tumble boys!

4 devoted readers:

Dan~Kerst~Bree~Bryce~Braden~Briggs~Brooklyn said...

The boys are so cute. Lincoln looks like Brian right? And Orion looks more like you? They are adorable.

Dan~Kerst~Bree~Bryce~Braden~Briggs~Brooklyn said...

Sorry! I spelled Bryan wrong in the last post.

Tiffany said...

Your boys are so cute! We need to hang out again soon so that I can see how adorable your boys are!

Raadgep Fam said...

All I have to say is just wait till orion hits two, lincoln will never see it comming. I think orion is just making a list of the things Lincoln has done. PAYBACK is a ditch! lol I love those pictures and you better scrapbook those! lol