
Decision 2008

Here is a picture of Lincoln in the bathtub at one month old.

Here is a picture of Orion in the bathtub at one month old.

Brothers? You decide!

5 devoted readers:

Raadgep Fam said...

NO I dont think they look alike at all, not the same checks or same legs, or same lips. They really have nothing in commin. lol

Tiffany said...

They could be twins! PS I love the censorship!

Carli said...

how did you cover the winkies like that? Haha! They are so cute. Orion looks smaller than Lincoln was though.

brooke said...

I think the Orion looks smaller than Lincoln too. But they do look alike, maybe not twins, but alike yes!

Cassie Bizzigotti said...

Yes they do look so much alike!