So... I took most of every one's advice about Einstein's sleeping habits, and dropped the nap all together. It sucked! But it was really necessary. I just picked myself up by my bootstraps and went full throttle. And it worked! At least, it did for about three days. You see, he really does still need a nap, but he thinks he doesn't. He becomes demon-kid at about 4pm if he doesn't get a good two hours of rest.
Anyway, like I mentioned, it took him three days before he was practically begging me for a nap again. Which led me to believe that the no-nap boycott thing has always been about the struggle for power. And I end up winning most of the time. There are still impossibly painful/frustrating/I'm-ready-to-serve-a-corporal-punishment-sentence-on-this-kid days, but they are manageable getting easier at least not as often.
Sad to say, but I often look at my friends who have little girls, and sigh with longing. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE MY BOYS! It would just be nice to be able to go into a store (or anywhere, really) without looking completely frazzled because your 2 year old is so fiercely independent that he insists on unbuckling his own seat belt, then darts away from you, INTO parking lot traffic (stupid college kids with no kids of their own... sheesh!) and just about gives you a heart attack. Note that this is happening while you are running after him whilst hefting another child the weight of a 5-gallon water jug and trying to not freak out in front of onlookers. And the whole time you are in said store, he either touches everything, complains, or throws himself to the floor and cries so it looks like you abuse your child. Or even better, does a lovely combination of all three. Yes, frazzled, people! I don't hear stories like this from my friends with little girls. Either they don't do it, or my friends are too embarrassed to share! :) Something tells me it's not the latter.
Really, I'm not trying to be negative. It's been one of those days. You know, the corporal punishment days? Yes, that was very much today.
I know that I was blessed with Einstein because Heavenly Father has entrusted me to cultivate and direct his fiery spirit for good. Einstein is a natural born leader, a trend-setter, and for better or worse, a very smart cookie! Heavenly Father has trusted little ol' me to take care of him, to guide him and nurture his talents and personality. But sometimes I feel like it's quite an undertaking! I've been given such an important job, but am I up for it? Can I do it? Some days I feel like I'm ready to throw in the towel. I'm sure I'm not the only mom who feels this way at times. But I sure think I got the raw end of this deal. I don't remember being this crazy when I was a kid, and Bryan was most certainly not. So there must be a crazy streak in our families somewhere. Remind me to go back in time to amend that, will you? :)
Ending on a good note about my smarty pants, he is potty trained! We had a deal that if he stayed dry for 7 days, we would take him to Disneyland (we changed it from a bike, since D-land would be free). And he did it! Yay!
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14 devoted readers:
Oh - man - you and me both -- my Brayden is the same way --- I have often thought - he is so smart and there is a reason for that & I am responsible for teaching him to use his intelligence for good instead of for pure evil destruction -- haha - any way - I have to tell you that starting school for brayden has been so amazing - something to hone in his talents. it has gotten "better" ( in other words hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel for us) --- my other advice is if he is not school age - always be offering him some sort of new learning adventure.. I found that if I was not forcing him to use his smarts the way I wanted him to - then he would use his smarts to do something naughty... and on the sleep thing -- keep it up -- Brayden is the same way on that too -- his brain just never stops going long enough for him to take a nap some days - but we have religiously had "QUIET TIME" I think even if he doesn't sleep - keep him in there for his set amount of time -- Brayden needs down time! when he was your boys age - he would still sleep most days -- but in the last year between 4-5 he sleeps maybe every 3-4th day. but quiet time with books or legos or something quiet still helped his 4 o clock to dinner time behavior.
I hope that helped - & was not just more annoying advice for you that you already knew. -- I know the same discouragement that shone through your words! keep it up though -- you are doing better than you think you are! It's that perfectionist woman thing in us that just makes us want our children to be perfect! haha - for me it is anyway.
email me anytime jebnchris at yahoo dot com
You mean girls are supposed to sit quietly in the store and not get into everything, scream when in the cart or try to run away? daughter missed that memo, lol.
Anyway...good luck with the nap/sleep thing. It can be such a bear. Oh, and another thought...Have you read "Raising Your Spirited Child"? It is a FABULOUS book and might give ya some insight.
Who says girls aren't just like that?! You've seen firsthand how VIVIE is exactly that way. I freakin bought her a harness the other day BECAUSE she's like that. So now I'm THAT mom....who puts her child on a leash because I'd rather come home with her at the end of the day rather than have her strolling around parking lots or under and through the middle of aisles at Marshalls. BUT, she's been my only girl like I suppose those little ones are innate with fiery spirits (all of mine but two have that fiery spirit) because it's part of their armor to wade through the ills and crazy of today's world. So I say, good for you--keep on keepin' on! Those fiery spirit kids are SpEcIaL...I promise.
you are such a trooper. there is a reason i hav girls and not boys- becuz i could not handle it as well as you do. i am not that strong. you are an amazing mother! i admire you so much.
Little girls still throw tantrums in public...plenty of them too, though at least with elizabeth they're not on EVERY outing.
That's amazing that he's potty trained already... our little gal would still rather wade around in her poop, getting sores all over her bum mind you, than let us change her. She only wants to sit on the potty when big kids come over, and even then still doesn't do anything but sit there... So we're continuing to fill the landfills with diapers. At least out here there's a lot more land than people, so i guess it ain't that bad. ;-)
keep up the good work - i have a feeling Evan will be more like Lincoln, so i'm just soaking it all in for when his personality really begins to explode...
I think Heavenly Father sends us these kids first, while we're young and energetic enough to handle it.
Hang in gets better-I promise!
Go girl. I echo everyone's sentiments: you are strong and guess what... you won. Tee hee:) Frankie was giving me the power struggle too (still does) but he has learned to have "quiet time" at about 2 o clock. We have some one on one time when Ollie goes down at one and then at two he lays quietly for half an hour and SOMETIMES, miracle of miracles, he falls asleep. Stay consistent with whatever you do. Eventually it will work. Good luck.
You got a strong boy on your hands, but that's a good thing! You are doing great.
Ok, here is my little piece of advice. Lincoln sounds like a spirited, strong willed, smarter-than-is-good-for-him 2 year old. I've worked with more than my share of these little tikes. Here is what I have learned. It is all about the POWER! They want control. They believe they are capable of being in control. The trick is - give them control over anything that is not life threatening or physically/emotionally dangerous to him or someone else. That sounds simple, but it is tough to step back and trust them to make decisions. But if you can do it, he will be ready to listen when it is really important. There is a book that will seriously change your life. It is called Parenting With Love and Logic. It is the Holy Grail of parenting books for kids like Lincoln. Trust me. Get it. Learn it. Use it.
Don't worry, Sarah. You guys were made to handle Lincoln's strong spirit. Teach him to make good choices by letting him make a few bad ones. Be there to catch him while he is still in a safe environment so that he will know where to come when it counts.
Hang in there...and remember, unless there is a very real threat of bodily injury, step back and let him choose.
Miss you guys!
wow good luck, all I have to say is Im sorry i am not there to help. gesh. Well I am sad to say that boys are CRAZY! Good luck, and remember we love you!
Wow, hang in there! I'm sure you're doing a great job! As far as girls vs. boys being easier, I think it's safe to say it depends on the child. Kirsten has never been that bad in a store, but she's also not nearly as old as Lincoln. She definitely gets WHINY in stores though.
I have a few friends who talk all the time about how much easier their boys are than their girls. So I guess it depends on the kid!
I wish I had some amazing advice but I don't! Bree and Lincoln sound a lot alike (very smart and very determined little people). She hasn't napped regularly since she was 18 months old. It's liks she's afraid to miss something. Quiet time is good. Oh--one good thing with no nap=early bedtime (7 for us). Also, I think many of hte little spirits being sent need to have these strong personalities in order to deal with all the hard things they will face. You are normal--we all have days when bedtime can't come fast enough. :)
Ewww! I had a typo. the. I hate typos and I can't change it.
I am right there with you sista.
Hang in there. At least there is always Disneyland.
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